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Rabu , 05 February 2025

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TRUNOJOYO » Tugas Akhir & Skripsi » Teknologi Industri Pertanian
di-posting oleh 110331100075 pada 2015-02-13 11:15:00  •  509 klik

white bread quality assessment using quality funtion deployment (QFD) methods (lyly bakery case study in Lamongan)


Roti Tawar
Kata KunciRoti tawar
Matriks HOQ

[ Anotasi Abstrak ]

ABSTRAK Roti tawar merupakan salah satu makanan pokok kedua setelah nasi sehingga cukup populer dikalangan masyarakat. Roti tawar juga cukup mudah di beli di toko-toko Bakery, salah satunya dapat di beli di Lyly Bakery. Lyly Bakery merupakan salah satu perusahaan produksi dan pemasaran yang bergerak dalam industri makanan Bakery, cake, pastry dan donuts. Head office nya berada di jl. Sunan Drajat 52 Lamongan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apa saja persyaratan pelanggan dan persyaratan teknik Lyly Bakery dibandingkan dengan Bakery yang sejenis (C Bakery dan F Bakery) dan menganalisis penerapan metode QFD dalam usaha meningkatkan kualitas roti tawar Lyly Bakery. Persyaratan pelanggan Lyly Bakery yaitu rasa, tekstur, warna, aroma, kesan dimulut, awet, harga, desain kemasan dan praktis. Analisis kompetitif terhadap kualitas roti tawar menggunakan metode QFD dengan cara menentukan matriks HOQ. Hasil dari penilaian kompetitif teknik menunjukan bahwa Lyly Bakery lebih baik dalam hal formulasi bahan baku, jumlah ragi, lama mixing, kecepatan mixing, suhu fermentasi, suhu pengovenan, lama pengovenan, jumlah adonan dalam cetakan, pengeluaran roti dalam cetakan, proses pendinginan, pengemasan, pemberian label kemasan dan pemberian label expired date dibandingkan dengan Family Bakery. Penilaian kompetitif teknik menunjukan bahwa Lyly Bakery lebih baik dalam hal formulasi bahan baku di bandingkan C Bakery. Berdasarkan penilaian kompetitif pelanggan, Lyly Bakery unggul dalam hal warna, aroma, harga, desain kemasan dan praktis dibandingkan F Bakery. Berdasarkan penilaian kompetitif pelanggan, Lyly Bakery unggul dalam hal rasa, kesan dimulut dan harga di bandingkan C Bakery. Kata kunci: Roti tawar, QFD, Matriks HOQ

Deskripsi Lain

ABSTRACT Bread is one of the staple food after rice so it is quite popular among the public. Bread is also quite easy in buy in stores Bakery, one of which can be purchased at Lyly Bakery. Lyly Bakery is one of the production and marketing company engaged in the food industry Bakery, cakes, pastries and donuts. Its head office is located at Jl. Sunan Drajat 52 Lamongan. The purpose of this research is to find out what the customer requirements and engineering requirements Lyly Bakery compared with similar Bakery (C and F Bakery Bakery) and analyze the application of QFD in order to increase the quality of Lyly Bakery bread. Lyly Bakery customer requirements ie taste, texture, color, aroma, mouthfeel impression, durability, price, packaging design and practical. Competitive analysis of the quality of bread using QFD method by determining the HOQ matrix. The results of the competitive assessment shows that Lyly Bakery technique is better in terms of raw material formulation, the amount of yeast, mixing time, mixing speed, fermentation temperature, oven temperature, the old oven, the amount of dough into the mold, the mold bread expenditures, process cooling, packaging, labeling packaging and labeling of expired date compared with Family Bakery. Competitive assessment shows that Lyly Bakery technique is better in terms of raw material formulation in the C Bakery compare. Based on the competitive assessment of customers, Lyly Bakery superior in terms of color, aroma, price, packaging design and practical than F Bakery. Based on the competitive assessment of customers, Lyly Bakery superior in terms of taste, mouthfeel impression and compare prices on C Bakery. Keywords: fresh bread, QFD, HOQ matrix

Kontributor: Millatul Ulya, S.TP.,MP;Banun Diyah Probowati, S.TP.,M.Si
Tanggal tercipta: 2015-02-10
Jenis(Tipe): Text
Bentuk(Format): pdf
Bahasa: Indonesia
Pengenal(Identifier): TRUNOJOYO-Tugas Akhir-6455
No Koleksi: 110331100075

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 File PDF  1. TRUNOJOYO-Tugas Akhir-6455-jurnal APRILIA ALFIONITA SABRINA.pdf - 419 KB
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