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TRUNOJOYO » Publikasi » S2 Ilmu Ekonomi
di-posting oleh imam pada 2020-09-03 11:50:57  •  385 klik

The Effect of Price and Product Quality Towards Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty on Madura Batik
The Effect of Price and Product Quality Towards Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty on Madura Batik

disusun oleh Pribanus Wantara

Product Quality
Customer Satisfaction
Madura Batik
Kata KunciPrice
Product Quality
Customer Satisfaction
Madura Batik

[ Anotasi Abstrak ]

This study aims to examine and explain the effect of the variable price and product quality on satisfaction and loyalty. The research was conducted in the area of Bangkalan. The research problem of this study are: is there any influence between price and product quality to customer satisfaction, is there any influence between price and product quality to customer loyalty, and is there any influence between customer satisfaction to the customer loyalty. This study used a survey where respondents were interviewed and asked to fill out a five-point Likert scale questionnaire. The target population of the study are customers who make the purchase more than twice of Madura Batik. The sample of this study is 200 respondents, the sampling technique used was purposive sampling method. The analytical method used in this research is the analysis of SEM. Based from the results of the analysis has been done, it can be concluded that the price is a significant and positive impact on customer satisfaction, the product quality is significant and positive impact on customer satisfaction, that the price is significant and positive impact on customer loyalty, that the customer satisfaction significant and positive impact on customer loyalty, but the product quality is not significant and positive impact on loyalty. Keywords: Price, Product Quality, Customer Satisfaction, Loyalty, Madura Batik <br> <a href="/jurnal/No. 3-ITHJ-2019-01-14-Batik Madura.pdf">Download File Lengkap Disini</a>

Deskripsi Lain

This study aims to examine and explain the effect of the variable price and product quality on satisfaction and loyalty. The research was conducted in the area of Bangkalan. The research problem of this study are: is there any influence between price and product quality to customer satisfaction, is there any influence between price and product quality to customer loyalty, and is there any influence between customer satisfaction to the customer loyalty. This study used a survey where respondents were interviewed and asked to fill out a five-point Likert scale questionnaire. The target population of the study are customers who make the purchase more than twice of Madura Batik. The sample of this study is 200 respondents, the sampling technique used was purposive sampling method. The analytical method used in this research is the analysis of SEM. Based from the results of the analysis has been done, it can be concluded that the price is a significant and positive impact on customer satisfaction, the product quality is significant and positive impact on customer satisfaction, that the price is significant and positive impact on customer loyalty, that the customer satisfaction significant and positive impact on customer loyalty, but the product quality is not significant and positive impact on loyalty. Keywords: Price, Product Quality, Customer Satisfaction, Loyalty, Madura Batik<br> <a href="/jurnal/No. 3-ITHJ-2019-01-14-Batik Madura.pdf">Download File Lengkap Disini</a>

Kontributor: Muhammad Tambrin
Tanggal tercipta: 2019-02-17
Jenis(Tipe): Text
Bahasa: Indonesia
Pengenal(Identifier): TRUNOJOYO-Publikasi-26164701
No Koleksi: 26164701

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