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TRUNOJOYO » Publikasi » S2 Ilmu Ekonomi
di-posting oleh imam pada 2020-09-04 09:43:07  •  296 klik

The Influence of Service Quality, Satisfaction, on Behavioral Intention: A Study on the Tourism Destination of Gili Iyang Island, Sumenep, Indonesia
disusun oleh Pribanus Wantara

SubyekService quality
behavioral intention
Gili Iyang Island Autoregressive Model
Kata KunciService quality
behavioral intention
Gili Iyang Island Autoregressive Model

[ Anotasi Abstrak ]

The study aimed to predict the effect of service quality, visitor satisfaction on visitor behavioral intention to the tourism destination of Pulau Gili Iyang, Sumenep. A 22 item scale (under five dimensions namely tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy) of service quality developed by Parasuraman (1988) was used to access the service quality of the tourism destination of Pulau Gili Iyang, Sumenep. A self-structured questionnaire was administered for measuring visitor satisfaction and visitor behavior intention of Pulau Gili Iyang, Sumenep. Data collection was made with the help of 196 respondents having fulfilled the inclusion criteria of research. Purposive sampling technique for data collection. The hypothetical model was evaluated by the help of structural equation modeling and the result was a good model fit. The result concludes that service quality has a positive and direct effect on visitor satisfaction, service quality has a positive and direct effect on behavior intention, and visitor satisfaction has a positive and direct effect on behavioral intention.<br> Keywords: Service quality, satisfaction, behavioral intention, Gili Iyang Island Autoregressive Model <br> <a href="/jurnal/No. 6-ITHJ-2020-02-19- Pribanus Zahri Tambrin.pdf">Download File Lengkap Disini</a>

Kontributor: Zahri Hamat; Muhammad Tambrin
Tanggal tercipta: 2020-01-12
Jenis(Tipe): Text
Bahasa: Indonesia
Pengenal(Identifier): TRUNOJOYO-Publikasi-26164702
No Koleksi: 26164702

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