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TRUNOJOYO » Publikasi » S2 Ilmu Ekonomi
di-posting oleh imam pada 2020-09-04 10:00:31  •  531 klik

Effect of Service Quality and Perceived Value Satisfaction and Loyalty Religious Tourists Visit Island Madura, Indonesia
disusun oleh Pribanus Wantara

SubyekService Quality
Perceived Value
Madura Island
Kata KunciService Quality
Perceived Value
Madura Island

[ Anotasi Abstrak ]

This paper wants to examine the relationship of service quality, perceived value, satisfaction and loyalty with religious tourists who visit the island of Madura in 2015. The structural equation modeling results support the hypothesis that service quality affects directly the satisfaction and loyalty, and satisfaction directly affects loyalty, but the results do not support the hypothesis that the perceived value directly affects the satisfaction and perceived value directly affects loyalty. Quality of service only has direct and indirect influence on loyalty through satisfaction. So the stage of tourism development in Madura, quality of service is very important in building loyalty and satisfaction tourists.<br> Keywords: Service Quality; Perceived Value; Satisfaction; Loyalty; Madura Island. <br> <a href="/jurnal/No. 2-IJESSI-Effect of Servqual.pdf">Download File Lengkap Disini</a>

Tanggal tercipta: 2016-06-04
Jenis(Tipe): Text
Bahasa: Indonesia
Pengenal(Identifier): TRUNOJOYO-Publikasi-24556289
No Koleksi: 24556289

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 File PDF  1. TRUNOJOYO-Publikasi-19845-24556289-No. 2-IJESSI-Effect of Servqual.pdf - 343 KB

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