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Minggu , 27 October 2024

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TRUNOJOYO » Tugas Akhir & Skripsi » Ekonomi Pembangunan
di-posting oleh dshe pada 2013-04-18 10:37:46  •  681 klik

disusun oleh BUDI WALUYO

Kata KunciGDP
education and government spending.

[ Anotasi Abstrak ]

ABSTRACT Budi waluyo, Influence Analysis of Labour, Education Level Against Government Spending And Economic Performance In Region Gerbangkertasusila Year 2005-2010. Under the guidance of Anita Kristina, SE, M.Si and Widita Kurniasari, SE, ME. Regions Regionalization regionalization Gerbangkertasusila one area that has a high economic growth rate compared to other Regionalisai in East Java. During the period of 2005-2010 the economic growth in the District / City in the Gerbangkertasusila (Gresik, Bangkalan, Mojokerto, Surabaya, Sidoarjo, Mojokerto city and Lamongan) fluctuated. The rise and decline can be influenced by labor, Level of Education and Government Spending. Amount of labor in Gerbangkertasusila penyerapanya increased but little. The same thing happened to the college graduates (S1) have continued to rise but employment-educated small S1. And the consumer is still spending. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of labor, education and government spending on economic performance in Gerbangkertasusila. either partially or simultaneously. The research was done by descriptive quantitative. The data used in this study are panel data. Time series for 5 years from 2005-2010 and the data represent a cross section 7 data Gerbangkertasusila region that produces 35 observations. The method used in this research is a method of Fix Effect Model. The hypothesis of this study are: a variable amount of labor, education and government spending affect the performance of the economy (GDP), and based on the results of the testing indicate that the hypothesis can be accepted. Ertimasi results obtained show that the variable labor, education and government spending have positive and significant impact on economic performance in the region Gerbangkertasusila either simultaneously or partially.

Kontributor: Ibu Anita Kristina S.E, M.Si;Ibu Widita Kurniasari S.E, M.E
Tanggal tercipta: 2013-04-18
Jenis(Tipe): Text
Bentuk(Format): PDF
Bahasa: Indonesia
Pengenal(Identifier): TRUNOJOYO-Tugas Akhir-251013300258
No Koleksi: 251013300258
No Klasifikasi: 658.834 BUD A

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 File PDF  7. TRUNOJOYO-Tugas Akhir-4193-251013300258-070231100018_CONCLUSION.pdf - 90 KB
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 File PDF  9. TRUNOJOYO-Tugas Akhir-4193-251013300258-070231100018_APPENDICES.pdf - 300 KB

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