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TRUNOJOYO » Tugas Akhir & Skripsi » Akuntansi
di-posting oleh 120221100005 pada 2016-02-18 14:18:31  •  168 klik

Pengaruh Aspek Ekonomi, Hukum, dan Tanggungjawab Sosial Terhadap Pelaksanaan Audit Lingkungan (Studi Kasus pada Perusahaan Pertambangan di Indonesia yang Terdaftar di BEI)
The Influence of Economic Aspect, Legal Aspect, and Corporate Social Responbility Aspect to the Implementation of Environmental Audit.(Studies of Case in The Minning Companies of Indonesia listed on the BEI)


Subyekaudit lingkungan
perusahaan pertambangan
iso 14001
tanggungjawab sosial
Kata Kunciekonomi
tanggungjawab sosial
dan audit lingkungan

[ Anotasi Abstrak ]

ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji dan menganalisis pengaruh aspek ekonomi, hukum, dan tanggungjawab sosial terhadap pelaksanaan audit lingkungan. Objek penelitian ini adalah perusahaan pertambangan di seluruh Indonesia yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI). Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 28 perusahaan dalam periode 2010 sampai tahun 2014, secara simultan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan data dari laporan tahunan (annual report) dan laporan hasil Program Penilaian Peringkat Kinerja Perusahaan (PROPER). Analisis data dilakukan dengan statistik deskriptif, uji hipotesis dan uji analisis regresi probit. Hipotesis dalam penelitian ini adalah: (1) aspek ekonomi berpengaruh terhadap pelaksanaan audit lingkungan, (2) aspek hukum berpengaruh terhadap pelaksanaan audit lingkungan, dan (3) aspek tanggungjawab sosial berpengaruh terhadap pelaksanaan audit lingkungan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa aspek ekonomi berpengaruh terhadap pelaksanaan audit lingkungan. akan tetapi aspek hukum, dan tanggungjawab sosial tidak berpengaruh terhadap pelaksanaan audit lingkungan. Kata kunci : ekonomi, hukum, tanggungjawab sosial, dan audit lingkungan. ABSTRACT This research aims to test and analyze the influence of economic aspect, legal aspect, and corporate social responbility aspect to the implementation of environmental audit. The object of this research is the mining companies in Indonesia that are listed on Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI). There are 28 companies as sample in this research. This research uses descriptive quantitative method. Technique of collecting data in this research uses data from annual report of company and the result of PROPER report. There are some steps in analyzing data, they are statistic desriptive, test of hypothesis, and probit regression analysis test. Hypothesis in this research are: (1) economic aspect influences implementation of environmental audit, (2) legal aspect influences the implementation of environmetal audit, and (3) corporate social responbility aspect influences the implementation of environmental audit. The result of this research shows that the economic aspect influences the implementation of environmental audit. But, legal aspect, and corporate social responbility aspect do not influence the implementation of environmental audit. Keywords: economic, legal, corporate social responbility, and environmental audit.

Deskripsi Lain

ABSTRACT This research aims to test and analyze the influence of economic aspect, legal aspect, and corporate social responbility aspect to the implementation of environmental audit. The object of this research is the mining companies in Indonesia that are listed on Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI). There are 28 companies as sample in this research. This research uses descriptive quantitative method. Technique of collecting data in this research uses data from annual report of company and the result of PROPER report. There are some steps in analyzing data, they are statistic desriptive, test of hypothesis, and probit regression analysis test. Hypothesis in this research are: (1) economic aspect influences implementation of environmental audit, (2) legal aspect influences the implementation of environmetal audit, and (3) corporate social responbility aspect influences the implementation of environmental audit. The result of this research shows that the economic aspect influences the implementation of environmental audit. But, legal aspect, and corporate social responbility aspect do not influence the implementation of environmental audit. Keywords: economic, legal, corporate social responbility, and environmental audit.

Kontributor: Anita Carolina, SE., MbusAdv., Ak., QIA., CA; Adi Darmawan Ervanto, SE,. Ak., CPA., CA
Tanggal tercipta: 2016-02-10
Jenis(Tipe): Text
Bentuk(Format): pdf
Bahasa: Indonesia
Pengenal(Identifier): TRUNOJOYO-Tugas Akhir-7896
No Koleksi: 120221100005

Sumber :
Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

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 File PDF  1. TRUNOJOYO-Tugas Akhir-7896-120221100005_ABSTRACT.pdf - 88 KB
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 File PDF  4. TRUNOJOYO-Tugas Akhir-7896-120221100005_CHAPTER 2.pdf - 309 KB
 File PDF  5. TRUNOJOYO-Tugas Akhir-7896-120221100005_CHAPTER 3.pdf - 223 KB
 File PDF  6. TRUNOJOYO-Tugas Akhir-7896-120221100005_CHAPTER 4.pdf - 257 KB
 File PDF  7. TRUNOJOYO-Tugas Akhir-7896-120221100005_CHAPTER 5.pdf - 88 KB
 File PDF  8. TRUNOJOYO-Tugas Akhir-7896-120221100005_REFERENCES.pdf - 208 KB
 File PDF  9. TRUNOJOYO-Tugas Akhir-7896-120221100005_APPENDICES.pdf - 367 KB

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