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Perpustakaan sebagai jantung pendidikan tinggi di Indonesia, harus mampu memberi kontribusi yang berarti bagi pelaksanaan proses belajar mengajar di perguruan tinggi.
di-posting oleh 120211100036 pada 2016-08-11 16:00:57 • 356 klik
Analisis Kinerja Keuangan Sebelum dan Sesudah Merger Pada Perseroan Terbatas Agung Podomoro Land Tbk
Analysis on Financial Performance Before and After the Merger in Limited liability Company Agung Podomoro Land Tbk
disusun oleh AQIDA ERLINA
Subyek: | Kinerja keuangan Current Ratio Debt To Equity Ratio Total AsetTurnover Net Profit Margin Return On Investment Return On Equity Earning Per Share |
Kata Kunci: | Kinerja keuangan Current Ratio Debt To Equity Ratio Total AsetTurnover Net Profit Margin Return On Investment Return On Equity Earning Per Share / Financial Performance Current Ratio Debt To Equity Ratio Total Aset Turnover Net Profi |
[ Anotasi Abstrak ]
Aqida Erlina 2016, Analisis Kinerja Keuangan Sebelum dan Sesudah Merger Pada Perseroan Terbatas Agung Podomoro Land Tbk. Dibawah bimbingan R. Gatot Heru Pranjoto, S.E., MM dan Purnamawati, S.E., M.Si. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perbedaan kinerja keuangan pada perseroan terbatas Agung Podomoro Land Tbk antara sebelum dan sesudah merger. Objek penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap perusahaan property dan real estate yaitu PT Agung Podomoro Land Tbk yang melakukan merger pada tahun 2011 yang sudah terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan perbandingan 2 tahun sebelum merger (2009-2010) dan 2 tahun sesudah merger (2012-2013). Variabel dalam penelitian ini adalah kinerja keuangan perusahaan yang diukur menggunakan alat analisis yaitu current ratio, debt to equity ratio, total aset turnover, net profit margin, return on investment, return on equity, earning per share. Ketujuh rasio tersebut kemudian dianalisis menggunakan uji normalitas dan uji paired sample t-test. Berdasarkan analisis deskriptif, diketahui bahwa kinerja keuangan perusahaan yang diukur menggunakan current ratio mengalami penurunan setelah perusahaan melakukan merger dibanding sebelum melakukan merger. Akan tetapi, kinerja keuangan yang diukur menggunakan debt to equity ratio, total aset turnover, net profit margin, return on investment, return on equity dan earning per share mengalami peningkatan setelah perusahaan melakukan merger dibanding sebelum perusahaan melakukan merger. Hasil analisis uji normalitas dari ketujuh rasio tersebut berdistribusi normal. Analisis paired sample t-test terhadap masing-masing rasio keuangan menunjukkan bahwa kinerja keuangan perusahaan sample setelah melakukan merger tidak mengalami perbaikan yang signifikan dibanding sebelum melakukan merger. Kata Kunci: Kinerja keuangan, Current Ratio, Debt To Equity Ratio, Total AsetTurnover,Net Profit Margin, Return On Investment, Return On Equity, Earning Per Share
Deskripsi Lain
Aqida Erlina 2016, Analysis on Financial Performance Before and After the Merger in Limited liability Company Agung Podomoro Land Tbk. Under the guidance of R. Gatot Heru Pranjoto, S.E., MM and Purnamawati, S.E., M.Si. This study is aimed to analyze the differences of financial performance in the limited liability company Agung Podomoro Land Tbk between before and after the merger. The object of this study conducted in property and real estate company namely PT Agung Podomoro Land Tbk, which merged in 2011 and listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange. This study is conducted by a ratio of 2 years prior to the merger (2009-2010) and 2 years after the merger (2012-2013). The variable in this study is the company’s financial performance as measured by using analysis tools such as current ratio, debt to equity ratio, total aset turnover, net profit margin, return on investment, return on equity, earning per share. The seventh ratios are then analyzed by using normality test and paired samples t-test. Based on the descriptive analysis, it is found that the company’s financial performance as measured by using current ratio decreased after the merger than before the merger. However, the financial performance as measured by using debt to equity ratio, total aset turnover, net profit margin, return on investment, return on equity and earning per share increased after the merger than before the merger. From the results of normality test, the seventh ratios have normal distribution. The analysis of paired samples t-test to each financial ratio indicates that the financial performance of the sample company after the merger does not experience a significant improvement than before the merger. Keywords: Financial Performance, Current Ratio, Debt To Equity Ratio, Total Aset Turnover, Net Profit Margin, Return On Investment, Return On Equity, Earning Per Share
Tanggal tercipta | : 2016-07-14 |
Jenis(Tipe) | : Text |
Bentuk(Format) | |
Bahasa | : Indonesia |
Pengenal(Identifier) | : TRUNOJOYO-Tugas Akhir-8735 |
No Koleksi | : 120211100036 |
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1. TRUNOJOYO-Tugas Akhir-8735-120211100036_ABSTRACT_TOC.pdf - 176 KB
2. TRUNOJOYO-Tugas Akhir-8735-120211100036_COVER.pdf - 359 KB
3. TRUNOJOYO-Tugas Akhir-8735-120211100036_CHAPTER 1.pdf - 29 KB
4. TRUNOJOYO-Tugas Akhir-8735-120211100036_CHAPTER 2.pdf - 87 KB
5. TRUNOJOYO-Tugas Akhir-8735-120211100036_CHAPTER 3.pdf - 37 KB
6. TRUNOJOYO-Tugas Akhir-8735-120211100036_CHAPTER 4.pdf - 118 KB
7. TRUNOJOYO-Tugas Akhir-8735-120211100036_CHAPTER 5.pdf - 23 KB
8. TRUNOJOYO-Tugas Akhir-8735-120211100036_REFERENCES.pdf - 21 KB
9. TRUNOJOYO-Tugas Akhir-8735-120211100036_APPENDICES.pdf - 139 KB
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