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Sabtu , 26 October 2024

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TRUNOJOYO » Tugas Akhir & Skripsi » PGSD
di-posting oleh 120611100163 pada 2016-08-25 17:38:39  •  300 klik

The Influence of Cooperative Learning Technique Inside Outside Circle (IOC) Using Quartet Card Media on PKn lesson in IIIrd grade SDN Tunjung 1 Burneh

disusun oleh SITI SULIHA

SubyekPembelajaran Kooperatif
Teknik Inside Outside Circle (IOC)
Media Kartu Kuartet
Hasil Belajar.
Kata KunciPembelajaran Kooperatif
Teknik Inside Outside Circle (IOC)
Media Kartu Kuartet
Hasil Belajar.

[ Anotasi Abstrak ]

PKn merupakan salah satu mata pelajaran yang mewadahi pembentukan moral peserta didik sesuai nilai dan kepribadian bangsa. Akan tetapi, banyak siswa yang menganggap materi pembelajaran susah. Oleh karena itu, perlu model pembelajaran agar siswa berperan aktif dalam pembelajaran. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk: (1) mengetahui pengaruh pembelajaran kooperatif teknik inside outside circle (IOC) menggunakan media kartu kuartet terhadap hasil belajar PKn kelas III SDN Tunjung 01 Burneh, (2) mengetahui respon siswa terhadap pembelajaran kooperatif teknik inside outside circle (IOC) menggunakan media kartu kuartet terhadap hasil belajar PKn kelas III SDN Tunjung 01 Burneh. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan quasi experimental design. Populasi penelitian adalah siswa kelas III yang berjumlah 58 siswa, sedangkan sampel penelitian ini merupakan sampel jenuh. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah soal tes hasil belajar berupa pre-test dan post-test, lembar observasi guru dan siswa. Pengujian hipotesis penelitian menggunakan uji-t dengan hasil thitung= 3,552 > ttabel = 2,052, sehingga terdapat pengaruh signifikan antara pembelajaran kooperatif teknik inside outside circle (IOC) menggunakan media kartu kuartet terhadap hasil belajar siswa. Hasil respon siswa memiliki persentase 93% yang berkategorikan sangat baik, sehingga dapat disimpulkan siswa memiliki respon sangat baik terhadap pembelajaran kooperatif teknik inside outside circle (IOC) menggunakan media kartu kuartet. Kata kunci: Pembelajaran Kooperatif, Teknik Inside Outside Circle (IOC), Media Kartu Kuartet, Hasil Belajar.

Deskripsi Lain

Civic’s Education is one of the subjects that facilitats the students formation according to moral values and personality of the nation. However, many students who consider learning this subject get quite difficulty in learning process. Therefore, it is necessary to make the students are interested in learning model and play an active role in learning process. The purpose of this study was to: (1) know the effect of cooperative learning techniques inside outside circle (IOC) by using a quartet card media on PKn lesson in IIIrd grade SDN Tunjung 1 Burneh, (2) determine the students' response to the cooperative learning techniques inside outside circle (IOC) by using a quartet card media on PKn lesson in IIIrd grade SDN Tunjung 1 Burneh. This research is a quantitative research by using Quasi Experimental Design. The study populations were all IIIrd grade students which consist on 58 students, while the sample is saturated samples. The instrument in this study is used achievement test in the form of pre-test and post-test, the teacher and student observation sheet. Research hypothesis testing used test (t) with the results of tcount = 3.552 > ttable = 2.052, so there is significant influence between cooperative learning techniques inside outside circle (IOC) using a quartet card on student learning outcomes. The results of student responses have percentage of 93% which is very good, so it can be concluded the students had a very good response to the cooperative learning techniques inside outside circle (IOC) using a quartet card media. Keywords: Cooperative Learning, Technique Inside Outside Circle (IOC), Card Quartet Media, Results of Study

Kontributor: Mujtahidin, S. Pd., M. Pd ; Wanda Ramansyah, S. Pd., M. Pd ;
Tanggal tercipta: 2016-08-12
Jenis(Tipe): Text
Bentuk(Format): pdf
Bahasa: Indonesia
Pengenal(Identifier): TRUNOJOYO-Tugas Akhir-9297
No Koleksi: 120611100163

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 File PDF  3. TRUNOJOYO-Tugas Akhir-9297-120611100163_Chapter1.pdf - 125 KB
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 File PDF  6. TRUNOJOYO-Tugas Akhir-9297-120611100163_Chapter4.pdf - 668 KB
 File PDF  7. TRUNOJOYO-Tugas Akhir-9297-120611100163_Conclusion.pdf - 55 KB
 File PDF  8. TRUNOJOYO-Tugas Akhir-9297-120611100163_References.pdf - 11 KB
 File PDF  9. TRUNOJOYO-Tugas Akhir-9297-120611100163_Appendices.pdf - 3960 KB

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