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TRUNOJOYO » Tugas Akhir & Skripsi » Psikologi
di-posting oleh 120541100117 pada 2017-02-14 13:14:22  •  357 klik

Tahapan Pembentukan Karakter Anak Melalui Budaya Kasauran Karuhun(Nasehat Leluhur)Pada Masyarakat Kampung Adat Dukuh Kecamatan Cikelet Kabupaten Garut
The Phase in shaping children character building through Kasauran Karuhun (Ancestar’s Advice) in Dukuh traditional villagers Cikelet sub-district Garut district

disusun oleh KHOTIMAH

SubyekPembentukan Karakter Anak
Budaya Kasauran Karuhun
Masyarakat Kampung Adat Dukuh Kecamatan Cikelt Kabupaten Garut
Kata KunciPembentukan Karakter Anak
Kasaruan Karuhun
Mayarakat Kampung Adat Dukuh

[ Anotasi Abstrak ]

Abstract Khotimah. 120541100117. 2017. The Phase in shaping children character building through Kasauran Karuhun (Ancestar’s Advice) in Dukuh traditional villagers Cikelet sub-district, Garut district. Thesis. Psychology Study Program, Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences, University of Trunojoyo Madura. XV + 117 Pages and 35 appendixes This study aims to know how the portrayal of the phase in shaping children character building through Kasauran Karuhun (Ancestar’s Advice) in Dukuh traditional villagers Cikelet sub-district, Garut district. This study uses qualitative descriptive as the method through case study approach toward three sample indigenous people of Dukuh traditional villagers, which determined based on purposive sampling. The technique of collecting the data uses data reduction, data display, and verification. The results of this study give the portrayal that the value of character building which applied by Dukuh villagers is their ancester’s education that is syari’at Islam. The process of character building overwhelm introduction phase. This first phase, Dukuh villager is guided by their parents through giving a good behavior values and advices through siloka language (symbolic). Understanding phase is Dukuh villagers understand that good behavior values that taught by their parents is a good thing to do, because that good behavior can protect themselves from unproper behavior related to ancestar’s education. Implementing phase is the phase in which Dukuh villagers willingly perform behavior that fit into kasauran karuhun education without their parents’ instruction since twelve years old. Habit phase is Dukuh villagers used to and consistent in performing the behavior of kasauran karuhun even though they met a different situation and condition from their environment since sixteen years old. Civilizing phase is distributing the education of kasauran karuhun to their children. The last phase is internalization phase. In this phase, Dukuh villagers confident that the education of kasauran karuhun is the right thing to do, because this education is suitable for Islam education and believe to “Uga”. Keywords: children character building, kasauran karuhun, Dukuh villagers. References: 31 (2004-2016)   ABSTRAK Khotimah. 120541100117. Tahapan Pembentukan Karakter Anak Melalui Kasauran Karuhun (Nasehat Leluhur) Pada Masyarakat Kampung Adat Dukuh Kecamatan Cikelet Kabupaten Garut. Skripsi. Program Studi Psikologi, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Dan Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura. 2017. XIV + 117 Halaman Dan 28 Lampiran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana gambaran tahapan pembentukan karakter melalui kasauran karuhun (nasehat leluhur) pada masyarakat Kampung Adat Dukuh Kecamatan Cikelet Kabupaten Garut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus pada tiga orang masyarakat asli kampung adat dukuh yang ditentukan berdasarkan purposive sampling. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara semi terstruktur. Teknik analisis data menggunakan data reduction, data display, dan verification. Hasil penelitian memberikan gambaran bahwa nilai pembentuk karakter yang diterapkan oleh masyarakat Kampung Adat Dukuh berpedoman pada ajaran leluhur yakni pada syari’at Islam. Proses pembentukannya meliputi tahap pengenalan yaitu warga Dukuh diarahkan perilakunya oleh orang tua dengan contoh perilaku yang baik dan nasehat melalui bahasa siloka (simbolik). Tahap Pemahaman yaitu warga Dukuh memahami bahwa perilaku yang diajarkan oleh orang tua merupakan hal yang baik untuk di lakukan karena hal tersebut dapat membentengi dirinya dari tindakan yang tidak sesuai dengan ajaran leluhur. Tahap Penerapan yaitu warga Dukuh menjalankan perilaku yang sesuai dengan ajaran kasaura karuhun dengan sukarela tanpa perintah dari orang tua semenjak usia 12 tahun .Tahap Pembiasaan yaitu warga Dukuh terbiasa dan konsisten dalam menjalankan perilaku kasauran karuhun walaupun di hadapkan dengan situasi dan kondisi yang berbeda dengan lingkungannya semenjak usia 16 tahun. Tahap Pembudayaan yaitu menyebarluaskan ajaran kasauran karuhun kepada anak-anaknya. Tahap Internalisasi yaitu warga Dukuh yakin bahwa ajaran kasauran karuhun itu merupakan hal yang benar untuk dilakukan karena ajaran tersebut sesuai dengan ajaran Islam dan percaya terhadap “Uga”. Kata kunci: Pembentukan Karakter Anak, Kasauran Karuhun, Masyarakat Kampung Adat Dukuh Refrensi: 31 (2004-2016)

Deskripsi Lain

Abstract Khotimah. 120541100117. 2017. The Phase in shaping children character building through Kasauran Karuhun (Ancestar’s Advice) in Dukuh traditional villagers Cikelet sub-district, Garut district. Thesis. Psychology Study Program, Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences, University of Trunojoyo Madura. XV + 117 Pages and 35 appendixes This study aims to know how the portrayal of the phase in shaping children character building through Kasauran Karuhun (Ancestar’s Advice) in Dukuh traditional villagers Cikelet sub-district, Garut district. This study uses qualitative descriptive as the method through case study approach toward three sample indigenous people of Dukuh traditional villagers, which determined based on purposive sampling. The technique of collecting the data uses data reduction, data display, and verification. The results of this study give the portrayal that the value of character building which applied by Dukuh villagers is their ancester’s education that is syari’at Islam. The process of character building overwhelm introduction phase. This first phase, Dukuh villager is guided by their parents through giving a good behavior values and advices through siloka language (symbolic). Understanding phase is Dukuh villagers understand that good behavior values that taught by their parents is a good thing to do, because that good behavior can protect themselves from unproper behavior related to ancestar’s education. Implementing phase is the phase in which Dukuh villagers willingly perform behavior that fit into kasauran karuhun education without their parents’ instruction since twelve years old. Habit phase is Dukuh villagers used to and consistent in performing the behavior of kasauran karuhun even though they met a different situation and condition from their environment since sixteen years old. Civilizing phase is distributing the education of kasauran karuhun to their children. The last phase is internalization phase. In this phase, Dukuh villagers confident that the education of kasauran karuhun is the right thing to do, because this education is suitable for Islam education and believe to “Uga”. Keywords: children character building, kasauran karuhun, Dukuh villagers. References: 31 (2004-2016)

Kontributor: dr.Siti Nurfitria, S.Ked.,M.Biomed
Tanggal tercipta: 2017-02-09
Jenis(Tipe): Text
Bentuk(Format): pdf
Bahasa: Indonesia
Pengenal(Identifier): TRUNOJOYO-Tugas Akhir-9857
No Koleksi: 120541100117

Sumber :
Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

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